Astronomy For Mac

ZWO ASI Official astronomy software,specialized in planetary imaging, DSO imaging, live stack and other useful imageing processing gadget. Support: WIN7 / WIN8 / WIN10: v1.2.1. Released 9/18/2020: x64 Download. Sep 10, 2020 Since Stellarium for Mac is a multiplatform and open-source app, there's a huge community supporting it. If stargazing is your passion, you'll definitely feel at home here. Best VPN Services for 2020.

Starry Night 8 - Professional Astronomy Telescope Control Software for Mac/PC. Subscribe below to be added to the Starry Night newsletter and notified of promotions. Everything what you will need for ASI camera control, imaging, guiding and processing at one place! Windows, MAC and Linux USB drivers, ASCOM drivers, latest firmware and camera control and processing software for all ZWO devices.

Redshift 7 Premium is a comprehensive guide to the heavens. A huge panorama of the Milky Way, photo-realistic horizons and a 3-D flight out of our galaxy are only a few ways in which Redshift turns astronomy into a breathtaking and inspiring experience. Countless unique features such as telescope and joystick control, over 100 multimedia tours, macro recorder to create your own tours, online access to the Digitized Sky Survey and Google Maps, high quality videos, animations and the extensive help make Redshift 7 Premium the indispensable guide to the night skies.

•Realistic 3-D model of our galaxy with 3-D flights
•More than 2.5 million stars, planets and Deep Sky objects
•Includes exoplanets an dwarf planets
•New Horizon Panoramas für Earth, Moon and Mars
•Direct access to star catalogs SIMBAD and SOHO
•Download of new discoveries and orbital data of satellites, comets and asteroids from the latest object databases on the Internet into the main Redshift database. Updates are provided at least twice a month.
•Comprehensive observation planner for your in-the-field observation
•Direct link to for the exchange of guided tours and workspaces


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Cartes du CielfreeyesBruce Skelly
CelestiafreeyesChris Laurel
Digital Universecommercial$100Syzygy Research & Technology
Hipparchuscommercial$50yessofTouch APpLications
MacAstronomicashareware$25yesEasysoft Creations
MacStronomycommercial$60yesEtlon Software
MPj Equinoxshareware$29yesMicroProjects
Night VisionfreeyesBrian Simpson
SkyORBfreeyesrealtech VR
Sky Sentinel Planetariumcommercial$50yesProcyon
Stargazer’s Delightshareware$29yesRuedi Schmid
Starry Nightcommercial$34 – 149yesSienna Software
StellariumfreeyesFabien Chereau
TheSkyXcommercial$99noSoftware Bisque
Voyagercommercial$150-200noCarina Software
Where is M13?freeyesThink Astronomy
XephemfreesourceElwood Charles Downey
Adastra FreestarfreeyesCoeli Software Products
Alien Suncommercial$50yesEKN Enterprises
AlphaCentaurefreewareyesFrancois Nguyen
AstroViewershareware$12yesDirk Matussek
Astronomicashareware$25yesPiotr Czerski
Atlas du Cielshareware$50yesMario Groleau
Coeli – Stella 2000shareware$49yesCoeli Software Products
Cartes du CielfreeyesPatrick Chevalley
CelestiafreeyesChris Laurel
Celestial MapsfreeyesOvidiu Vaduvescu
CoolSkyshareware$25yesPiotr Czerski
CyberSkyshareware$28yesStephen Michael Schimpf
C2AfreewareyesPhilippe Deverchere
Dance of the Planetscommercial$95 – 145noARC Science Simulations
Deepsky Astronomy Softwareshareware$25 – 43yesSteven S. Tuma
Deep-Sky Plannercommercial$72-$81noKnightware
Deep Spacecommercial$79yesDavid Chandler
Desktop Universecommercial$199yesMain Sequence Software
Distant Sunscommercial$35yesMike Smithwick
Earth Centered Universeshareware$55yesNova Astronomics
EasySkycommercial$45yesMatthias Busch
Electric AstrolabefreeyesJames E. Morrison
Epoch 2000skcommercial$149 – 179noMeade
Expert Astronomercommercial$12noMediaMart; Expert Software
GrayStelcommercial£75noGrayStel Software
Guidecommercial$89noProject Pluto
Home PlanetfreeyesJohn Walker
Kagayakishareware$40-120yesSeeds Box
MegaStarcommercial$129yesE.L.B. Software
MoonCalcfreeyesMonzur Ahmed
MyStars!shareware$17yesRelative Data Products
Night VisionfreeyesBrian Simpson
NGCViewcommercial$50yesRainman Software
NuitfreeyesRené Meader
OpenUniversefreeyesRaœl Alonso
Planetarium Goldcommercial$20noJC Research
PlanetWatchshareware$20yesGalen Raben
PRiSMcomercial$150noAxilone Multimedia
Power Age Sky Simulatorshareware$35yesGeorge Dragandjikov
Redshiftcommercial$60noMaris Multimedia
RIA3D Live Solar Systemcommercial$
Sky3Dshareware$35yesCorvus Software
SkyChart IIIcommercial$50yesSouthern Stars
Sky Atlascommercial$20yesPiotr Bednarczuk
Skyglobeshareware??KlassM Software
SkyMapcommercial$55 – 89yesChris Marriott
SkyPlotshareware$10yesGerry Santoro
Solar Kingdomcommercial$49yesSilverfrost
SPICAfreeyesGuillaume Richard
STAR Atlas:PROcommercial$66noPaul Mayo
StarCalcfreeyesAlexander E. Zavalishin
StarChartGLfreeyesJames Fitzjohn
StargazefreeyesRay Middleton
Starry Nightcommercial$34 – 149yesSienna Software
StarScapecommercial$70noZephyr Services
Stella 2000shareware$49yesSwimming Elk Software
Stellarisshareware$20yesNick Heyworth
StellariumfreeyesFabien Chereau
TheSkycommercial$129 – 249noSoftware Bisque
Touring The Universe Through Binoculars AtlasfreeyesPhil Harrington
Virtual Skyshareware$28yesAstronomiesoftware Dings
Where is M13?freeyesThink Astronomy
WinStarsfreeyesFranck Richard
CelestiafreeyesChris Laurel
Cartes du CielfreeyesPatrick Chevalley
OpenUniversefreeyesRaœl Alonso
KStarsfreeyesJason Harris
Night VisionfreeyesBrian Simpson
SkymapfreeyesDoug Mink
StellariumfreeyesFabien Chereau
Where is M13?freeyesThink Astronomy
XephemfreesourceElwood Charles Downey
XplnsfreeyesOsamu Ajiki
XskyfreeyesTerry R. Friedrichsen
AstromistPalm, WinCECommercial$16yesCyrille Thieullet
Astronomy for the Palm OSPalmShareware$10yesHans Anger
Astro InfoPalmfreePeter Enzerink
Google Sky MapAndroidfreeGoogle
HPlanetariumHPfreeKhanh-Dang Nguyen Thu-Lam
Personal Sky ChartZauruscommercial$30yesClear Sky Institute
Planetarium for PalmPilotPalmShareware$24yesAndreas Hofer
PlanispherePalmShareware$10yesIvan Baciga
PleiadAtlasPalmShareware$10yesBrian Tung
Pocket Deepsky 2000WinCEcommercial$20noSteven S. Tuma
Pocket StarCalcWinCEcommercial$30yesRELEX Design Studio
Pocket StarsWinCEcommercial$15yesNomad Electronics
Pocket UniverseWinCEcommercial$30yesSticky Software
SolunPsionfreeDavid Rushall
SkyVoyageriPhonecommercial$15noCarina Software
Star MapiPhonecommercial$12noFrédéric Descamps
Star PilotPalmcommercial$30yesChris DiPierro
StarTrakPsionfreeSteve Jones
TheSkyWinCEcommercial$49noSoftware Bisque
VITO AstroNavigatorPocketPCcommercial$25yesEugene Pikalov
2skyPalmcommercial$30yesKevin S. Polk
Night VisionNight VisionfreeyesBrian Simpson
The COSMOScommercial$49noMENSYS

Note: prices are in US dollars exclusive of shipping/handling charges and rounded to the nearest dollar (and probably out of date).

Astronomy Apps For Mac


  • Java star chart program by Akkana Peck
  • Planet Finder, a Java applet
  • The Planets Explorer, our solar system in Java3D

Astronomy Macewan

Sky Survey

The ultimate planetarium is the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, a set of images covering the entire sky taken with professional telescopes. The printed version is extremely expensive but it has now been digitized and is available in 10x compressed form on the Web from STScI and NASA and in 100x compressed form on 10 CDROMs from ASP. The CDROM version can be accessed from TheSky and several others; the online version can be accessed from Starry Night and a few others.

Free Astronomy Software For Mac

Web-based Planetariums

  • WikiSky aka
  • Heavens Above, concentrates on satellites
  • SkyView Cafe, very nice!
  • Your Sky, an online planetarium from John Walker
  • StarMap from Mt. Wilson
  •, Free, high quality sky maps each month in PDF format
  • MyStarsLive, an online version of MyStars
  • Horizons, an ephemeris generator from JPL (best accuracy)
  • Solar System Simulator from JPL

Other Computer Software

  • source code for many astronomical algorithms
  • Astronomical Computer Software, a list at AstroNet
  • Dan Bruton’s astro software list
  • software from Sky Publishing
  • Zephrys Services, reseller of astro software for Windows
  • AstroGrav Astronomy Software, gravity simulation software for Mac and Windows
  • AstroTips, a list of free astro software
  • Orrery for RiscOS
  • Visual Ephemeris for Uranian Moons by Dennis W. Tracy
  • Silicon Spaceships, programs for accessing NASA image data
  • Newton’s Aquarium, learn about gravity
  • PicoSky, a planetarium program for some cell phones.
  • PP3, produces printed charts


  • Comet orbital elements for many of the above programs
  • ECU User Object Files by Michael Cook
  • Solscape, real time solar images & data, very nice; OS X


  • MICA, high-precision astronomical data in tabular form
  • ICE, an earlier, free version of MICA
  • MAXCLOCK, time info (Windows only)
  • 3D Starchart for BeOS
  • Meridian, a planetarium program specializing in planets
  • Astronomical Software & Documentation Service from STScI
  • Scientific Astronomer, a Mathematica application
  • Approximate astronomical positions, source code
  • another list of PalmOS astronomy software
  • Emerald Chronometer for the iPhone
  • Emerald Observatory for the iPad